Monday, April 4, 2016


Isn't spring break supposed to be stupendous?
Shouldn't you feel the war sun rays on your skin?
But if you were me it'd be horrendous.
Feeling like you will drown in medicine.
Just down another bowl of boiling soup.
Or having all you'r joints feel like butter.
Or feeling like you are stuck in a coop.
But it's fine don't stay down in the gutter.
Open the window and get some fresh air.
You do not have to be a wretched jumble.
Go outside and let the wind blow in you'r hair.
Take a walk but be careful don't stumble.
You'r skin is glowing and the sun is shining.
There is no more time to keep on whining.

Found Poetry

People who dream together under the moonlight
experience life and even stay happy
young, odd teens join to locate their true self.